If you’re planning a visit, we want to warmly welcome you and give you an idea of what to expect so your experience can be most edifying and enjoyable. Below you will find information that will assist in making your first visit to Swan Creek Baptist Church a wonderful experience.

Worship Service – Sunday 10:45 AM
This service is specifically designed to accomplish the first focus of the mission of our church: to exalt the Lord in worship. We do this through rich traditional and modern hymns, Scripture reading, tithes and offerings, a pastoral prayer, and practical expository preaching from God’s Word. This service lasts about 75 minutes. Nurseries are provided for infants and toddlers and Children’s Church is held for kids age 3 to 6th Grade.

Sunday School Classes – Sunday 9:45 AM
Children: Sunday School – Classrooms
Teens: Sunday School – Youth Room
Young Adult: Sunday School – Fellowship Hall
Adults: Adult Sunday School – Agape, 10:31, Good News, Ladies of Grace
Building Believers – Sunday 6:00 PM
Whereas our morning service is centered primarily on worship and expositional preaching, our evening service, Building Believers, is a little bit more casual and is a time of edification and spiritual enrichment through singing, topical teaching, baptisms, missionary presentations and reports, and welcoming new members. The teaching during Building Believers often follows a yearly theme such as sharing the gospel, personal Bible study, or the family. Listen to building believers sermons here.